The 7th Annual Pecan Harvest

This time of year, we gather to celebrate the harvest of a staple part of our local sustenance: Pecans! Join American Indians in Texas at the Spanish Colonial Missions on Saturday, December 3, 2022 for an evening of savory pecan-themed food and beverages as we celebrate AIT-SCM’s work in Community Engagement, Family Health & Wellness, and Indigenous arts from 6-9 pm at Progreso Hall, 1306 Guadalupe St.

This year, we’ll be presenting our annual Mission Heritage Award to

Leilah Powell Executive Director of Local Initiatives Support Corporation &

Patricia Mejia Vice President of Community Engagement and Impact for the San Antonio Area.

For 28 years, AIT-SCM has served the San Antonio community through programs such as the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign and Rites of Passage for youth/parental development, healing generational traumas, and building restorative culture. Through our Indigenous Arts programming, AIT-SCM supports the preservation of San Antonio’s original inhabitants by reliving important histories of Texas and her people while expanding the educational dialogue around San Antonio-based world-renowned UNESCO heritage sites. You can be a part of AIT-SCM’s success in various ways. One of these ways is by making a tax-deductible purchase of tickets to the Pecan Harvest for yourself, your family, or your organization, for just $28 each.

If you are interested in sponsoring the 7th Annual Pecan Harvest or donating to our silent auction and raffle, please contact us at or call 210-227-4940.


Tickets & Sponsorships can be purchased online at


Dec 03 2022


6:00 pm - 9:00 pm




Progresso Hall
1306 Guadalupe St. San Antonio, TX 78207