Friday August 25, 2023
Check-in begins at 8:30 a.m
Family Services Neighborhood Place
3014 Rivas San Antonio, TX 78228
Join our Bexar County Reentry Manager John Vacca and other community organizers at the Reflejo Court Commencement, Symposium, and Luncheon.
SAN ANTONIO – For the past year, the Bexar County specialty court known as “Reflejo Court” has been working to decrease the number of domestic violence cases in Bexar County.
The court directly works with first-time offenders of domestic violence with a history of substance abuse in order to keep the offender out of the judicial system.
Judge Rosie Speedlin-Gonzalez presides over the court, which consists of a 12-month program consisting of four phases.
“It’s trauma-informed mental health, substance abuse treatment, increased accountability and more reporting,” Gonzalez said.
Currently, there are close to 25 participants in the program and four will successfully graduate on Friday.
It’s a ceremony that will include a first-of-its-kind symposium that the community is invited to.
“We wanted the community to see the type of work we are doing with Reflejo Court and to address trauma within our population,” Gonzalez said.
The symposium on Friday will begin at 8 a.m. and includes several educational talks, and a keynote speaker. The event will conclude with the graduation ceremony.
Due to the pandemic, only limited seating is available but the entire symposium will be live-streamed.
Below is the schedule of events and the live stream information.

COURT REVIEW During the 2019 Texas legislative session, Judge Speedlin Gonzalez and her wife, Dr. Stacy Speedlin Gonzalez, co-authored House Bill 3529, which was signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott. This created a pathway for the development of a Domestic Violence Specialty Court within County Court at Law No. 13. The court, known as Reflejo court, launched its first docket on July 31, 2020. Reflejo Court is a court of first impression, targeting first time offenders of domestic violence who struggle with substance abuse.
The mission of the Bexar County Reflejo Court is to provide a holistic approach to treatment in order to (1) reduce the risk of aggressive behaviors and establish more effective coping skills in relationships,
(2) promote strategies for maintaining sobriety, and
(3) increase participant accountability through therapeutic judicial management, intensive supervision, education, and collaborative treatment.
The goal of the court is to decrease recidivism by recognizing the absolute value of every human person and expressing compassion toward the most vulnerable in the justice system, while encouraging accountability and responsibility.
Who IS ELIGIBLE? Resides in Bexar county Case filed as misdemeanor family assault Pre-adjudication Only No active or pending felonies Moderate or Severe Substance Abuse Disorder Moderate & High Risk Offender What does Reflejo Court have to offer? Reflejo court takes a public health approach utilizing a multidisciplinary model in which the judiciary, prosecution, defense bar, community supervision, law enforcement, mental health, social services, and treatment communities work together to provide offenders with the necessary tools to build healthy relationships and maintain sobriety.
Assists with ancillary needs such as housing, education, employment, rental assistance, bus passes, etc. Violations of program orders are discussed by the team and addressed by the Judge on an individual basis. Low program fee that takes the place of fines, court costs, and probation fees. Incentives available as participant progresses. Judge meets with the participant every other week and knows the unique circumstances of each participant.
Domestic violence cases continue to rise in Bexar County and are overwhelming our courts. Reflejo court combines treatment and strict supervision, offering offenders the opportunity to address the core issues that triggered these incidents of violence and hope for a better life.
For more information contact Case Manager Jacqueline Aguirre at or (210) 291-3179